We're with you for the long run.
Founded in 1993, Stadion is an investment management firm that provides custom solutions to retirement plan advisors, plan sponsors and participants.
Why choose Stadion?
Customized Investment Solutions
From target date fund products to custom managed accounts, Stadion offers a range of investment strategies that are designed to meet the unique needs of retirement plans.
Personalization Capabilities
Stadion believes that one-size-fits-all investment approach offered to most retirement plan participants does not account for the differences of each individual. Our technology streamlines personalization for all involved and is available as a do-nothing default or opt-in choice.
Custom Managed Accounts with Advisor Input
Stadion provides advisors the opportunity to build custom plan level glide paths and managed accounts.
Superior Support
We provide comprehensive support to our advisor partners and clients in the form of plan sponsor presentations, enrollment meetings and ongoing participant communication through custom materials and a U.S.-based call center.
Stadion Leadership
Helping employees prepare for a better retirement
Learn how our partnerships with retirement plan advisors and consultants, along with our innovative technology and investment expertise, enable us to help more employees better prepare for retirement.